Friday, May 22, 2020
Mexican Americans Essay example - 751 Words
Mexicans immigrated to the United States back in the 1800s (Stanford, 2006). During 1848 the United States took over a part of Mexico which is now the Southwest (Stanford, 2006). Mexicans living in these areas were Mexican citizens before the acquisition. The United States even went into agreements with Mexico to have Mexicans work in the United States. Mexicans were treated with cruelty, while working the agriculture fields for years. The United States made several agreements with Mexico to have the Mexicans come work in the United States while American soldiers were fighting in the world wars. The labor shortage that the United States went through was reason enough to have Mexicans migrate to the United States as laborers. The United†¦show more content†¦The majority of residents in Texas are Mexicans. Mexican Americans are not the minority in the state anymore. Discrimination occurs in many hidden ways. We have come a long way and diversity is practiced throughout the wor k place. It will continue as long as society continues to compare ethnic groups. Yes we are all different, and we should be proud of who we are, but arent we all human? Redlining used to happen and is still happening. Mexicans will not be able to purchase their own house much less, be the owner of a new vehicle. These types of comments are patterns of discrimination that Mexican Americans have faced at one time or another. The affirmative action was when the minority groups were given the opportunity to get jobs (Schaefer, 2006). Although in Texas and in some other states Mexican Americans are not the minority anymore the ethnic group overall is still a minority; therefore the group has faced and gone through the affirmative action. Presently there is still some social inequality and reverse discrimination is something that I have faced. Some places exist where they will not hire someone if they dont know how to speak Spanish even though English is the main language at the work pla ce. They can easily get away with it because they report that the language is needed to conduct the business and this is accepted by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.Show MoreRelatedMexican American And Mexican Americans1731 Words  | 7 Pages II. Mexican Americans A. Brief explanation regarding the history of this ethnic group Mexican’s American who are they, and why did they migrate to American; what were they in search of. Mexican American’s are one of the largest ethnic group in America today average of more than half of the populace; nearly reaching more than 30 million in the United States alone. Compassed by these immigrants more than half are here illegally that migrated over to the United States in search of a betterRead MoreMexicans, Chicanos, Mexican Americans2395 Words  | 10 PagesMexicans, Chicanos, Mexican-Americans, Indigenous, and more are just a few of the terms used to refer to people of Mexican descent. 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